GGN Anniversary dinner

GGN party and the award ceremony are arranged together with Wisby Strand.

Award ceremony

The success continues from previous years at Wisby Strand.

On Friday, it’s time for the award ceremony for the youth classes (Golden Helmet classes also can participate) with the following hamburger buffet.

On Saturday, combine the award ceremony for all classes in Gotland Grand National that ran during the weekend’s different classes in connection with the exclusive buffets on Wisby Strand, which ends with GGN’ ‘s afterparty and the evening’s band on stage.

Menu GGN
Veranda’s Shrimp Cocktail
Prawns/autumn salad / Sour creme/dill
Served with envelope bread

Hot dish
Braised high rib
Espelette-Bearnaise / Red wine cloud / Roasted Moretana onion / Potatoes & autumn primroses/chervil

Mascarpone / Savoyard Biscuits / Raspberries

Award ceremony Youth

GGN Youth & Golden Helmet is traditionally arranged the day before the seniors’ competition. The award ceremony takes place on Wisby Strand and is followed by the “Lilla GGN” buffet: note, no prize award in the Golden Helmet classes.

Doors open: 6 p.m, priceaward 7 p.m.
Price: 195 SEK excl. service fee