Press release 2021-05-06 GGN towards 300 women 2023
Now it’s time for the girls – the ladies to take place at GGN!
The world’s largest enduro competition – MC competition Gotland Grand National (GGN) with over 3000 starters is now making a major investment in reaching 300 girls – ladies on the starting line by 2023. The industry dominated by men – men makes up 95% of the starting line will now change.
Today, there are just over 100 girls – ladies at GGN and the goal with seven partners behind this is now to jointly raise the bar significantly and reach as many as 300 starters for GGN 2023.
We will make this investment in three steps, says Conny Bohlin, CEO of the organizer Nordic Sport & Event. Since we entered the competition in 2013, we have looked at GGN with a little new eyes and now it is time for us together with our partners to make changes so that the girls and ladies can take a seat and get started in the world’s largest enduro competition.
Girls – ladies amateur: Already before GGN 2021, we are launching a 50% discount on the entry fee for girls – ladies who have never ridden Gotland Grand National before. Of course, this also applies to our Golden Helmets and Youth Girls who have never started at GGN before.
New prize money for women in total. As it is today, the women and men compete together in Elite – Senior – Junior -Electric for the total prize money. As early as 2021, we will make a difference between ladies and gentlemen and put prize money for each winner in the total.
1st 25,000 SEK. 2nd 12,500 SEK. 3rd 8,000 SEK for total ladies and total men. The goal is to increase the prize money every year until 2024 in different stages for both women and men. We do this to attract the best women and men in the world to Gotland and GGN so that even the Swedish elite women will have as good competition as possible and that our girls on the youth side will have the opportunity to see the best enduro women on site at GGN. Total prize money at GGN is now up to SEK 105,000.
We will hire 6 Influencers who will run GGN on the girl – women side to show that enduro is an extremely good form of training for exercisers. We will follow them from their training until they have driven and passed GGN 2021.
Just enduro which means endurance is a good form of training where the whole body can feel the challenge and to train in the woods when you can is a great forum to meet other like-minded girls and boys, says Conny Bohlin further.
Of the 3,000 on the starting line at GGN, it is a normal year 17 elite women and 50 elite men competing for the title at GGN and all the others are children, young people and happy amateur who are passionate about their training and competition form enduro.
The seven companies behind this investment in reaching 300 girls – ladies by 2023 are Svenska Spel, Bike, KTM, Husqvarna Motorcycles, 24MX, Michelin and FXR.
For further information contact
Conny Bohlin 0708-249494
Nordic Sport & Event