Terms & Conditions MTB

MTB Thursday 24 October 2024.

If you are looking for information regarding the new competition for Gotland Grand National GGN MTB, you will find it here. For example, if you are wondering which class to participate in, what the starting times are, the colour of the number plates and the rules for equipment and your bicycle. We apply  Swedish Cycle Federation rules and these are additional rules that have been adjusted and approved by Swedish Cycle Federation for this year’s Gotland Grand National.

Gotland Grand National 2024 – GGN 2.0

We can promise that the Gotland Grand National of the future will be extraordinary. For 40 years, GGN has been at the historic Tofta Shooting Range, and we thank the Gotland Armed Forces for that time together. Now, a new future awaits the Gotland Grand National, and that is why it is called GGN 2.0
We warmly welcome you to the GGN of the future.

Terms & Conditions October 24th, 2024, are valid for:

Do you need help?

Do not hesitate to contact us with your questions and concerns.

MTB: Sport W/M, Youth sport B/G, Amateur W/M.

Address. Nordic Sport & Event AB, Broväg 10, 621 40 Visby
Phone Hours: Monday – Thursday 08: 15-16: 00
E-mail: info@nordicsportevent.se
Website: www.gotlandgrandnational.se

SCF: Sanctioned

Gotland Grand National Sports Club 802514-7276 (hereinafter referred to as GGN Sports Club) in collaboration with – Nordic Sport & Event AB 556761–0489 (hereinafter referred to as NSE),and The Swedish Cycling Federation (hereinafter referred to as SCF).

Conny Bohlin, Angelica Thomsson, Kenneth Häglund,  Calle Jakobsson, Jan Bergwall, Peter Schöön, Jesper Cederlund, Jenny Slotte Hassel, Christer Stoltz, Johanna Törnvall, Dick Svennefelt.

SCF Commissary: Christer Johansson
Competition manager: Christer Stoltz & jonas Haglund (SCF)
Environmentally responsible: Ove Kolmodin
Security: Peter Schöön
Track manager: Vacant
Start manager: Calle Jakobsson


In all classes the cycle time is 2 hours. At 2 hours, the light comes on at laps/finish and the driver must then drive off the track. The participant may go out on one last lap before the clock has passed 1:59:59 and complete that lap.

60 minutes after the end of the driving time for each class.

Sport, Women
Sport, Men

Motion, Women
Motion, Men

Youth sport, girls
Youth sport, boys

The registration takes place on the website, www.gotlandgrandnationl.com where the entry fee 595 SEK is paid in connection with the registration. Immediately after a correct notification has been made, a confirmation email is sent that the notification has been approved. Incorrect notification is not recorded as a notification. The race management will not contact the driver by phone to correct the incorrect notification.

The registration period expires October 22nd at. 24.00 2024. Late registration is not possible.

Be sure to enter the correct email address at registration. Start confirmation, PM and all necessary information will be sent via email. All information is eventually posted on the website as no PM / information will be sent via regular mail.  (If you oppose getting your name published on the internet in the start and result lists must be notified in writing to the office, see under the heading office).

A license is required for participation in the Sport D/H and Youth Sport P/F classes.
Youth Sports (Boys and Girls 9–14 years).
The Youth Sports class is open to all cyclists who turn 9-14 during the calendar year and hold a competition license, Youth Men/Women, Under 11 Men/Women, or sign a one-time license at the time of the competition. We encourage all young cyclists to participate and enjoy the sport.

Sport (15 years and older)
The right to participate in the Men’s Sport class is for cyclists who are at least 15 years old during the calendar year but at least 17 years old in the case of Cross Country Long Races and hold a competition license or sign a one-time license at the time of the competition.

For more information about licenses, see scf.se/licenser
No license is required for participation in an exercise class; insurance is available through SCF/GGN, but we recommend an exercise license that protects throughout the season. Year-round exercise insurance for these participants can be arranged, for information read here: https://scf.se/forbundet/tavlingsverksamhet/tavlingslicens-chip-och-forsakringar/svenska-cykelforbundets-motionsforsakring/

Approved bicycle helmet.

A Technical Zone is located at the designated location when rotating and the target area. This must be used for all technical maintenance of the bicycle. A time extension of 5 minutes applies to all cyclists who do not pass the technical zone at least once.

A section where we allow hand over will be located adjacent to the technical zone. It should be used for all lengthening of drinks, food, clothes, etc.

The competition uses electronic reading equipment. Each contestant is responsible for ensuring that the borrowed transponder is carried throughout the competition in accordance with the organizer’s instructions which are on the check-in envelope. That gives lap times and intermediate times during the course of the competition. The driver can also be followed live via the website www.gotlandgrandnational.se. Unpaid transponders are invoiced for SEK 1250 afterwards by the organizer. If it is not returned or paid, you will not be able to start the next year.

Competition numbers are awarded at the end of September and are published under the start list at www.gotlandgrandnational.com. Number plates are provided by the organizer, one for mounting on the back and one for mounting on the handlebars.

Start time for all classes is at 10.00.

The starting groups are divided into classes: Sport is in the first starting group, Youth Sport is in the second starting group, and Amateur is in the third starting group. The maximum number of starters in width is limited to 30 cyclists.

Respective participants and their team  companions have to respect the environment. This means, among other things, that everyone uses the bins that are in the competition area, or that you take your rubbish with you when you leave the competition area.

Takes place in the check-in tent at the competition area on Thursday between 09:00 – 12:00. At check-in start envelopes are picked up, with number tag ( 1 for back 1 for bicycle) and borrowed transponder.

Bicycles must comply with the current competition regulations, and commissaries carry out checks of bicycles.

Med anledning av banunderlaget tänk på val av däck, montera gärna däck som är lite grövre och tål mer ”slitage”.

Checking the function of the transponder will be done in the inspection tent near the check-in area. Signs are visible in the area.

The participant in each class who has completed the most laps in the shortest time within the specified time is the winner in the class. It is up to each participant to keep an eye on the light when the cycling time is over. All participants who have completed at least one lap are placed in the results list. All participants who start receiving a commemorative medal and trophies are awarded for placement 1-3 in Sport.

The results list is posted at the competition site at the information in the exhibition center as soon as the time period for each class has expired. The results are also published on the website under Results, www.gotlandgrandnational.se. The protest time according to the rules is 30 minutes after the results list has been allocated. Protest must be accompanied by a protest fee (SEK 500). The fee, which is determined by SCF, will be refunded if the protest is approved. If the protest is rejected, the fee is paid to SCF by the responsible from SCF. It is the responsibility of each participant to monitor their results according to the above. The list of results is also estimated at the award ceremony.

All participants receive a medal, you will get it in connection when drop of transponder at the check-in tent at Tofta. Prize ceremony for Sport placement 1-3 takes place at the exhibition area after the end of the competition, see information in the PM that is sent out by email before the competition.

1:st / 2:nd / 3:rd
Total Sport, Woman
10 000 sek / 5 000 sek / 2 500 sek

Total Sport, Men
10 000 sek / 5 000 sek / 2 500 sek

The GGN Challenge is an extra challenge by cycling between Thursday’s GGN MTB E-Bike and Friday’s or Saturday’s GGN MC. Everyone who participates in the GGN Challenge and who completes at least one lap in each competition will be awarded a GGN Challenge medal. The medal is awarded in connection with the transponder for the MC competition being returned. To participate in the GGN Challenge, you must register for both competitions separately and notify us at info@nordicsportevent.se that you intend to participate in the GGN Challenge.

All participants have insurance for personal injury during the competition. You have your insurance through SCF (Exercise) or your license (Sport) in the classes.

NEW FROM 2024! During the competition in the new area, there is a total ban on driving any motorized vehicle (applies to the entire competition area and outside the track). Should anyone (this also applies to service personnel, teams, or family members of competitors) contravene these regulations, we will dispose of the vehicle, which can later be picked up at the designated location and billed against a cost of SEK 2,000. In addition, the person concerned is suspended from GGN next year. Everyone with a vehicle permit may drive to and from the assigned depot. All competitors may drive to the starting area before their start with a maximum speed of 30 km/h. This means that others, service personnel, teams, or family members can get there on foot or by bicycle.
We have to do this measure so that GGN can continue for many more years in the new area, which is water-protected and with consideration for landowners and nearby residents.
ILLEGAL DRIVING IN THE AREA All forms of illegal driving in the area and on the GGN track outside of competition during the remainder of the year are prohibited. You must understand that we can only organize GGN for more years if you follow this simple rule. We have promised landowners and authorities that you will not abuse this. We will permanently ban anyone caught from competing on GGN.

Doctors and medical staff are on the competition site during the race day.

Idrottens Ö is a collaboration between Destination Gotland and the Sports Association on Gotland with the aim of promoting and developing the sport and tourism on the island. If you want to know more do not hesitate to contact us.

All participants and fellow travelers participating in the Gotland Grand National  MTB  travel at discounted rates. Remember that travel and accommodation should be booked in time for you to be accommodated. Contact the sports island on 0771-22 33 50 or via e-mail: idrottsresor@destinationgotland.se


    These General Terms and Conditions (“General Terms”) apply to competitions / events organized by the NSE or appointed organizer of the NSE. By the terms “NSE,” is meant Nordic Sport & Event AB, org. 556761-0489. Completed purchase of space for any of our competitions / events means that you agree to our Terms and Conditions at any time. To participate in some of our competitions / events, you must have reached a certain age. If you register for a race for a person other than yourself, you are responsible for ensuring that this person has attended and complies with our terms and conditions. Please note that for some of our competitions / events there is a time limit for implementation and you are aware of and accept that we may therefore finish a race before you have reached the finish line.
    A purchase of a venue for our competitions / events can be canceled up to 24 hours after the purchase has been completed. Thereafter, the application is considered definitive, and you are not entitled to demand a refund of the fee. Purchases of starting places in sporting events on a specific day or for a specified period of time are exempt from the right of withdrawal in accordance with Law (2005: 59) on distance contracts and agreements outside business premises. * EXCEPTION WHEN PURCHASING CANCELLATION PROTECTION.
    2:1 GGN 2.0 is planned for Gotland and Hejdeby (the old asphalt plant), but there is still work to be done with the authorities and neighbors in the area. As the organizer, we have been working since August 28, 2023, with new land on Gotland and look very positively on the future GGN on Gotland. Should we change Gotland as a destination, special cancellation rules apply. If GGN 2.0 replaces Gotland as the destination, the following rules apply. You choose whether you, as a participant, want to participate in the Gotland Grand National by… (new destination). If you choose not to participate, we will refund the fee apart from SEK 500 for the classes (amateur, junior. senior and elite), and for other classes SEK 250, which we keep as an administration fee. In this case, you do not need cancellation protection if we change the destination. If you have taken out cancellation protection for SEK 150, it will also be refunded if you change your destination if you choose not to.
  3. REBUD
    For reimbursement, read our rules under the heading of cancellation protection * below. If you would like to cancel your participation in any of our competitions / events email us at info@nordicsportevent.se. Cancellation cover can be purchased for SEK 100 per person. The cancellation cover will not be refunded.
    Cancellation cover costs 150 SEK. The registration fee in addition to an administrative fee of SEK 150 is refunded on the purchase of cancellation cover. Does not apply to travel or accommodation in connection with the competition / event. The cancellation cover can only be taken out in connection with the application. Cancellation can be canceled. 10 days before competition / event with cancellation protection (medical certificate or certificate from the authority is always required) Otherwise, the entry fee will not be refunded. The cancellation fee will not be refunded. The cancellation cover applies if the following occurs.
    – Deaths, illnesses or accidents of a serious nature, affecting yourself, spouse, partner, your or their parents, children, siblings or fellow travelers.
    – Invitation to the armed forces or civil defense.
    – There is some other serious incident outside your control, eg extensive fire or flooding in your home, which means that it is not reasonable to request that you stick to your application. You must be able to prove your obstacle with a certificate from a doctor, authority or insurance company. Certificates that arrive later than 7 days after the cancellation date are not considered. Cancellation cover 150 SEK (0% VAT). * See further information under the liability section. If cancellation protection has not been taken out at the time of registration, we reserve the right not to refund any of the registration fee.
    The registration for our competitions / events is personal and you must not allow anyone else to participate in your name or hand over the registration to anyone else.
    By approving these General Terms and Conditions you agree that your name and year of birth will be published in our start and result lists. You who for personal reasons do not want your name to appear in the start or result lists can notify us by e-mail: info@nordicsportevent.se. Indicate which race (s) it refers to. Nordic Sport & Event complies with the Swedish Data Inspectorate’s rules regarding the handling of personal data. By submitting your application you agree that your name will be registered and published in start and result lists, including on our website. Nordic Sport & Event processes your personal data in order to handle your requests, as well as to create a registration profile. The personal data and registration profile is used to register for the race and match you with any previous registration, so as to link your previous statistics to you. The personal details and registration profile are also used to contact you, as well as to communicate information and offers. In order for us to form an idea of ​​what you are interested in, we use the information you provide. You can choose to stop receiving more information from Nordic Sport & Event at any time by contacting us at info@nordicsportevent.se In order to be able to offer information that we think is of interest to you, Nordic Sport & Event partners in some cases have the opportunity to promote themselves through our address register via Nordic Sport & Event. Nordic Sport & Event does not share your personal information with its partners or sponsors. You have the right to access your data, get it corrected or, if you wish, get it deleted. If you choose to delete all your data, all previous statistics and history will be deleted. You also have the right to get a copy of your information.
    We will have photographers and film teams in place when conducting our competitions / events. By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions you agree that images and films from our competitions / events may be used on websites, in advertisements and printed matter for Nordic Sport & Events competitions / events, without requiring special compensation. If you do not want to appear in the picture, you can notify us at info@nordicsportevent.se. Enter your name, start number and race. All rights to commercial sales of video films / photos from the competition are reserved by Nordic Sport & Event AB. Anyone wishing to purchase film and / or photo rights is asked to contact Nordic Sport & Event’s office info@nordicsportevent.se for permits and agreements well in advance of the competition. Written agreement is included for presentation on inspection. All other sales in the competition area are prohibited without the organizer’s permission. Written agreement is included for presentation on inspection.
    We offer payment with pay & credit card or with swish. Responsible for the payment system is EST Mica: Timing AB org nr. 556496-3350
    In order to offer a set of different payment options, EST needs your personal, contact and order information. The use of this information is regulated in accordance with the applicable data protection law. We are very careful about security when entering credit card numbers. All transfers are encrypted and we never store your bank account number or credit card number.
    When you place your order, the amount is deducted from your account when you confirm the purchase. As a customer, you have an obligation to make sure that there is money in your account at the time of payment. If the account does not have coverage or if for some other reason it is not possible to withdraw the money, your application will not be processed.
    After you have made your application, we will send you a booking confirmation via email. To ensure that we have received the correct information, you should check the booking confirmation as soon as possible and notify us if something is not right. Incorrect notification is not recorded as a notification. The organizer will not contact participants by phone or email to correct incorrect notification.
    Participation in any of our competitions / events is at your own risk and therefore we cannot be held responsible if you injure yourself or if your clothing or equipment is damaged during any of our races. We cannot be held liable for any damages arising from your breach of these Terms and Conditions or rules or instructions applicable to any of our competitions / events.
    The organizer is exempt from liability in the event of a natural disaster, war, decision by the authorities and thus a comparable event beyond our control, which could not reasonably be foreseen and which affects purchases made or commitments on our part (eg our ability to arrange a competition / event). In such an event (Force majeure), the conditions for * cancellation protection do not apply as this is completely outside our “NSE” or designated organizer of NSE’s control. If one of our contests / events is canceled or moved due to an event beyond our control or for the safety of the participants, you are not entitled to demand a refund of the entry fee or other compensation from the organizer. The organizer also does not take any responsibility for canceled transport to and from the competition / event.
    If you are not satisfied with any of our competitions / events, please contact us at info@nordicsportevent.se or 0498-691200. If you are then not satisfied, you can contact the General Complaints Board, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm, or the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform: http://ec.europa.eu/odr. We do not undertake to participate in alternative dispute resolution procedures but will take a final position on this issue in the event of a dispute.