PRESS RELEASE 2024-09-06
The County Administrative Board has approved GGN in two separate decisions. The one case (4695-2023) was a consultation based on the impact on the natural and cultural environment (Chapter 12, Section 6 of the Environmental Code), which concerned the entire operation, from the construction of the track and competition center via the execution of the competitions themselves to the final restoration work. The second case (4506-2023) specifically concerned an exemption from the Off-Road Driving Act. Since the activity tested in the consultation case refers explicitly to off-road driving, it can be said that the same thing has been partially tested twice and both times with positive results for GGN.

Gotland’s Botanical Association appealed the county board’s decision in the consultation matter (not the off-road driving dispensation), had views on a shorter transport route, and wanted Nordic Sport & Event to provide security for the restoration work. Nordic Sport & Event agreed to the changed route, which was therefore also determined by the Land and Environmental Court. The court rejected the association’s request for security. Seven private individuals (4 families) appealed the county board’s decision and requested that the exemption be withdrawn and that GGN be prohibited from being implemented. Regarding consultation, the Land and Environmental Court considered the persons unaffected and rejected their appeal (Nacka district court, case no. M 6304-24, judgment on August 23, 2024). In the off-road driving exemption case, the administrative court rejected their appeal (Administrative Court in Stockholm, case no. 15456-24 and 15485-24, judgment on September 3, 2024).

For clarity, it is not about GGN being run on the lands of the complainants’ families, but they live in Hejdeby and are not direct neighbors of the land areas on which we will build the track.

– Conny Bohlin, CEO of Nordic Sport & Event, says that in everything important, the county board’s approval of GGN still applies. Both decisions are subject to conditions. We will meet these conditions and the GGN will be carried out as planned.

Since August 28, 2023 (the Armed Forces notified that GGN could not remain at the Tofta shooting range), Nordic Sport & Event has worked closely with all relevant authorities, but above all, with the county administration and Region Gotland. We will take our full responsibility when we now start the work and, through the precautionary principle, ensure all natural and animal environments in the area. The County Administrative Board and two courts have approved our environmental impact statement based on our thorough preparatory work.

– Throughout the process, we listened to the authorities’ advice and guidance and used the consulting company SWECO for the environmental impact assessment, sampling, and investigations. Furthermore, right from the start, we hired professor and environmental expert Nils Ryrholm, who assisted us in our work all the way, says Conny Bohlin further, and we, therefore, feel safe to start the work in Hejdeby.

In its decision on off-road driving, the County Administrative Board has set a condition that the dispensation does not apply to, e.g., motorcycles or quad bikes before the race days on October 25 and 26 this year. This limitation ends if the decision becomes legally binding. Loaders are also subject to the same conditions, but otherwise, both decisions of the county administrative board apply even if they are appealed.

– For the work on building the tracks themselves, with or without other vehicles and machines, there is no obstacle, and as far as the preparation of the two arenas (Roma’s gravel pit and the old asphalt plant) is concerned, the condition regarding off-road driving does not cover it, says Conny Bohlin.

To clarify, we, as the organizers, have the legal right to carry out the competition as planned in October, even if the matter has not gained legal force.

– We have full support in starting our work from all 19 landowners directly affected by GGN 2.0 in Hejdeby. For the work on the track before, we hire contractors who are used to and trained to work in forests, nature, and animal environments, concludes Conny Bohlin.
Gotland needs GGN, and GGN needs Gotland.